1 -> Line No. ID 27651 -> Catalog Number U -> Security Classification 03004A -> International Classification 07083.49636287 -> YRDOY.FODddddd .00000119 -> first Time Derivate (signed) 00000 -> second Time Derivate (signed) -0 -> second Derivate Exponent (signed) 30706 -> Bstar/Drag Term (signed) -4 -> Bstar/Drag Term Exponent (signed) 0 -> Ephemeris Type 269 -> Element Number (leerzeichen vorne, signed?) 2 -> Checksum (Modulo 10) 1 27651U 03004A 07083.49636287 .00000119 00000-0 30706-4 0 2692 2 -> Line No. ID 27651 -> Catalog Number 039.9951 -> Inclination 132.2059 -> Right Ascension of Ascending Node 0025931 -> Eccentricity with assumed leading decimal 073.4582 -> Argument of the Perigee 286.9047 -> Mean Anomaly 14.81909376 -> Revolutions per Day (Mean Motion) 22524 -> Revolution Number at Epoch 9 -> Check Sum Modulo 10 2 27651 039.9951 132.2059 0025931 073.4582 286.9047 14.81909376225249